ftp 的系统用户登录过程是什么

ftp 账号一般有三种,操作系统的用户,就是可以真实登录操作系统的账号,也叫本地用户。虚拟用户,这类用户一般和一个真实系统相关联,还有一种就是匿名用户,ftp 一般对应的是ftp这个用户。

了解 系统用户的登录过程,就需要查看配置文件

首先看下 vsftpd 的配置文件 vsftpd.conf






使用 pam ,查看pam 的配置内容

cat /etc/pam.d/vsftpd
# Standard behaviour for ftpd(8).
auth    required        pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed

# Note: vsftpd handles anonymous logins on its own. Do not enable pam_ftp.so.

# Standard pam includes
@include common-account
@include common-session
@include common-auth
auth    required        pam_shells.so

可以看到有5条规则,有三条是 标准的认证规则 还有两条 auth 类型的, 使用的是 pam_listfile.so

pam_listfile.so -- 访问应用程的控制开关

至于 pam_listfile.so 作用是什么,可以通过 man pam_listfile 查看

PAM_LISTFILE(8)                Linux-PAM Manual                PAM_LISTFILE(8)

       pam_listfile - deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file

       pam_listfile.so item=[tty|user|rhost|ruser|group|shell]
                       sense=[allow|deny] file=/path/filename
                       onerr=[succeed|fail] [apply=[user|@group]] [quiet]

       pam_listfile is a PAM module which provides a way to deny or allow
       services based on an arbitrary file.

       The module gets the item of the type specified -- user specifies the
       username, PAM_USER; tty specifies the name of the terminal over which
       the request has been made, PAM_TTY; rhost specifies the name of the
       remote host (if any) from which the request was made, PAM_RHOST; and
       ruser specifies the name of the remote user (if available) who made the
       request, PAM_RUSER -- and looks for an instance of that item in the
       file=filename.  filename contains one line per item listed. If the item
       is found, then if sense=allow, PAM_SUCCESS is returned, causing the
       authorization request to succeed; else if sense=deny, PAM_AUTH_ERR is
       returned, causing the authorization request to fail.

可以看到 pam_listfile.so 通过给定的文件 /etc/ftpusers 来阻止里面的用户登录。


 pam_shells - PAM module to check for valid login shell


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